2025 Benzie Audubon Events
2025 Audubon events and programs will be shared in the spring - please check back soon.
All programs are free and open to the public, regardless of your Audubon membership status. (If you would like to join the club, sign up here.)
All event photos on this page, except where otherwise noted, are public domain images. To see member photos click here.
Annual Meeting and Photo Show
We will host our annual meeting beginning with a brief business meeting and closing with our annual Members' Photo Show. (St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, 785 Beulah Hwy, Beulah, MI 49617)
Program: Birding in Ecuador
Noted local birder Brian Allen will present 'Birding in Ecuador,' sharing photos and insights from his birding expedition to Ecuador in 2023. Join us at St. Philips Episcopal Church in Beulah (785 Beulah Hwy, Beulah, MI 49617)
Program: All About Owls
Join us at the Congregational Summer Assembly (CSA) in Frankfort to learn all about owls with the Outdoor Discovery Center and the DeWitt Birds of Prey Center. (2128 Pilgrim Hwy., Frankfort, 49635)
Field Trip: Nighthawks and Owls
Doug Cook and Todd Warren will lead this excursion into Sleeping Bear Dunes to find nighthawks and owls. Park on Boekeloo Road, near M22 - park pass required.
Field Trip: Grassland Birds
Join leader, Doug Cook, in Arcadia to search for grassland birds. Meet at the Regional Land Conservancy kiosk on Keillor Road.
Field Trip: Night Marsh Birds
Meet at the Betsie Valley Trailhead at the River Road Boat Launch to identify nighttime birds. Doug Cook and Todd Warren will lead. Remember to bring a flashlight and insect repellent.
Field Trip: Migratory Birds
Meet at the Parking Area on Longstreet Rd, north of Joyfield Rd, on the DNR Betsie Valley Pathway. Doug Cook will lead participants on a hike to spot migrating birds.
Benzie/Global Big Day Count
Today is all about the birds! Count every bird you see during the day in Benzie County and report your numbers with species’ names to nedthebirder@gmail.com (Doug Cook).
Field Trip: Tour of Platte River Park
Todd Warren will lead participants on a birding tour of Platte River Park. The parking lot is 1/4 mile off from US-31 on Indian Hill Road, on the NE side of the Platte River.
Field Trip: Migratory Birds
Meet trip leader, Doug Cook, at the Otter Creek trailhead in Sleeping Bear Dunes. Park pass required.
Program: Volunteering with Sleeping Bear Dunes
Our guest speaker will be Erica Plesha, who is the Avian Botulism Crew Lead for Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. Erica will explain her role at SBDNL and also explain how others can volunteer their time and efforts to benefit the park and its efforts to enhance and protect local wildlife. We will meet at the First Congregational Church in Benzonia located at 901 Barber Street. Benzie Audubon events are open to everyone free of charge.
Field Trip: Birding By Ear
Doug Cook will lead field trip participants on a walk to identify birds by ear. Meet at 8:00am at the Betsie Valley Trail lot off of River Road. (River Road Boat Launch).
Early Migratory Birds
Join field trip leader, Doug Cook, at Arcadia Marsh to find early spring migratory birds. Meet at the St. Pierre Road Trailhead (not the main lot!) at 8:00am. All birding levels welcome.