2025 Benzie Audubon Events
All programs are free and open to the public, regardless of your Audubon membership status. (If you would like to join the club, sign up here.)
All event photos on this page, except where otherwise noted, are public domain images. To see member photos click here.

Early Spring Migratory Birds
Join field trip leaders, Todd Warren and Candy Petrick, at Arcadia Marsh to find early spring migratory birds. Meet at the St. Pierre Road Trailhead (behind the marsh - not the main lot!) at 8:00am. All birding levels welcome.

Beginning Birding, all ages
Join Todd Warren for a beginner birding trip - for all ages! Meet at the Betsie River Trailhead/River Road boat launch.

Field Trip: Frogs, Toads, and Owls, Oh My!
Todd Warren will lead participants on this evening trip - bring a flashlight! Meet at the Betsie Valley Trailhead/River Road Boat Launch.

Program: Live Raptors with the Skegemog Raptor Center
James Manley, Executive Director of the Skegemog Raptor Center, will present an educational program on Michigan’s raptors - featuring live birds! Join us at 7:00pm at the Mills Community House in Benzonia.

Field Trip: Early Spring Migratory Birds
Meet at the Betsie Valley Trailhead/River Road Boat Launch. Doug Cook will lead participants on a hike to spot migrating birds.

Benzie/Global Big Day Count
The Benzie/Global Big Day will feature a Team Event. This will be a friendly competition to find the greatest number of species in the county. Watch for details, to be announced closer to the Big Day.

Field Trip: Migratory Birds
Meet trip leader, Doug Cook, at the Otter Creek trailhead in Sleeping Bear Dunes. Park pass required.

Field Trip: Migratory Birds
Meet trip leader, Candy Petrick, at the Betsie River Pathway - meet in the parking lot off Longstreet Rd, between Joyfield and Kind Rds.

Field Trip: Birding By Ear
Doug Cook and Todd Warren will lead field trip participants on a walk to identify birds by ear. Meet at 8:00am at the Betsie Valley Trail lot off of River Road. (River Road Boat Launch).

Late Spring Migratory Birds
Meet Kathie Wiley at the Betsie Valley Trail/River Road boat launch (Off of River Rd.) to search for late spring migrants!

Field Trip: Summer Birding
Join leader, Doug Cook, in Arcadia to search for grassland birds. Meet at the Regional Land Conservancy kiosk on Keillor Road.

Field Trip: Nighthawks and Owls
Doug Cook and Todd Warren will lead this excursion into Sleeping Bear Dunes to find nighthawks and owls. Meet at the corner of M22 and Peterson Road (Across from Deadstream Rd.) - park pass required.

Babies Everywhere
Todd Warren and Candy Petrick will lead this field trip in search of breeding birds. Meet at the Betsie Valley Trailhead/River Road boat launch, off River Rd.

Program: Finding and Rearing Butterfly and Moth Larvae
Jim McGrath will provide the program Finding and Rearing Butterfly and Moth Larvae. This program is being offered in partnership with the Congregational Summer Assembly (CSA). The presentation will be offered in the CSA’s main building at 7:00pm.

Program: Bluebird Nesting Efforts in Benzie County
Danielle Grubb, from the Sleeping Bear Wildlife Fund, will report on the results of her group’s project installing houses for Eastern Bluebirds in local elementary schools and teaching students to monitor the boxes through the most recent nesting season. This project was funded by a grant from the Benzie Audubon Club. The presentation will be offered at the Mills Community House in Benzonia at 7:00pm.

Fall Birding
It’s time for fall birding and migration! Join trip leader, Doug Cook, at the Betsie Valley Trailhead/River Road Boat Launch off of River Rd.

Fall Waterfowl
Meet trip leader, Doug Cook, at the river mouth of the Platte River at Platte Point in Sleeping Bear Dunes - Park pass required.

Annual Meeting and Photo Show
We will host our annual meeting beginning with a brief business meeting and closing with our annual Members' Photo Show. (St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, 785 Beulah Hwy, Beulah, MI 49617)

Field Trip: First Day of Spring Birding
Meet trip leader, Doug Cook, at the Betsie Valley Trailhead in Elberta. Start time is 9am!