Join the Benzie Audubon Club
Enjoy informative programs and field trips with kindred spirits! Under our Bylaws, membership in the Benzie Audubon Club is open to all who embrace the mission set forth on our HOME page. Since we are a tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, all membership fees and other contributions to the Club are tax-deductible.
Basic dues are $15 for a family, $10 for an individual, and $5 for a student. Other categories include Supporting for $25, Contributing for $50, and Other (without a specific amount). The Board has added these categories to encourage members to make tax-deductible contributions that will benefit our Robert Lytle Education and Environmental Fund.
To join (or to renew your membership), print and complete the Membership Application (below), then mail it with your check (payable to Benzie Audubon Club) to the address shown on the application. If you have questions regarding membership or anything else concerning the Club, contact the appropriate Board member.